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- Parsons the New School for Design, School of Design Strategies, Work Presentation and Talk, New York, USA, 30 March 2010.
- Norwegian University of Science of Technology (NTNU), School of Art and Architecture. Art and Common Space 2-day workshop leader, Trondheim, 11-12 Mar 2010.
“Quantum Urbanism Workshop 2010â€.
- Ecole Spéciale d’Architecture (ESA), Lecture, Paris, 22 Feb 2010.
“Vers un Urbanisme Quantiqueâ€.
- Technical University of Crete, Department of Architecture, invited lecturer, Crete, Greece, 17 Dec 2009.
- Middle East Spatial Technology Conference(MEST 2009), Keynote Speaker, Manama, Bahrain, 8 Dec 2009.
“Urban Design and Quantum Technologyâ€
- CENTQUATREVUE: SPATIALITE EFFECTIVE, Vol. 1 No. 1, 22 May 2009, Editions Ligne, France.
“Warburg Revu (1ere Partie: Warburg Quantique)â€
- Technical University of Delft (TUDelft), Hyperbody Research Group, 1-day workshop leader and lecturer, Delft, Netherlands, 17 Sept 2008.
“Quantum Design Workshop 2008â€.
- Norwegian University of Science of Technology (NTNU), School of Art and Architecture. Art and Common Space 2-day workshop joint leader and lecturer with Danah Zohar, Trondheim, 6-7 Mar 2008.
“Quantum Worldview Workshop 2008â€.
- Norwegian University of Science of Technology (NTNU), School of Art and Architecture. Art and Common Space 3-day workshop leader and lecturer, Trondheim, 24-27 Apr 2007.
“Quantum Design Workshop 2007â€.
- Goldsmiths University of London, Immersivity, Art, Architecture, Sound and Ecology lecture series: invited lecturer, London, 21 Oct 2006.
“The Quameleon Projectâ€
- Norwegian University of Science of Technology (NTNU), School of Art and Architecture. Art and Common Space invited lecturer, Trondheim, 13 Oct 2006.
“Beyond the Quantum Worldviewâ€.
- Royal College of Art (RCA), In the Realm of the Senses Cross-College Lecture Series: invited lecturer. London, 27 Feb 2006.
“Architecture and Sound, Cityness and Waves”
- META.morfosis: el museo y el arte en la era digital, MEIAC, Badajoz, Antonio Cerveira-Pinto ed, 2006, pp 146-153.
“Quameleon: territorial pissings in the society-space-time continuum”
- Norwegian University of Science of Technology (NTNU), School of Art and Architecture. Art and Common Space invited lecturer, Trondheim, 10 Feb 2006.
“Architecture and the Quantum Worldviewâ€.
- Experimenta Design 2005, Bienal de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal, 16 Sep 2005 .
OPEN TALKS: City & Architecture
Ayssar Arida and Pedro Gadanho, hosted by John Thackara.
- The Planned City? ISUF International Conference (refereed), Trani, Italy, 3-6 July 2003.
“The 70-Year Itch or the Dawn of the Quantum City”
Published in Proceedings of the International Conference, A. Petruccioli et al (ed.), Trani, 2003, vol.3, p.1006.
- The Planned City? ISUF International Conference (refereed), Trani, Italy, 3-6 July 2003.
“Memory Between Amnesia & Trauma: an urban proposal for the Marijin Dvor district, Sarajevo, B&H.” (with M. Stanton).
Published in Proceedings of the International Conference, A. Petruccioli et al (ed.), Trani, 2003, vol.3, p.956.
- Subtle Technologies Conference (selected presenter), Toronto, Canada, 23-25 May 2003.
- (Theorising) History in Architecture and Design Conference (refereed: abstract), Oslo, Norway, 25-27 April 2003.
“The 70-Year Itch or the Dawn of the Quantum City”
Published in CON.TEXT, Elisabeth Tostrup & Christian Hermansen (ed.), Oslo, 2003, p.201.
- Cities on the Edge international conference (invited keynote speaker), Melbourne, Australia, [ pdf ] 9-11 Oct 2002.
- Layla Shamash’s The Leading Edge lecture series (invited speaker), Oxford Brookes University, UK, Feb 2002.
“The New Language of the Quantum City”.
- Quantum Everything? (public lecture), Notre-Dame University, Dept. of Architecture, Lebanon, May 2001.
- SHAMS Festival for the Arts (keynote speaker), Beirut, Lebanon, April 2001.
“MonoPolyPolis: Banknotes and Beirut”, Arabic version.
- Random Access Memory (joint course leader), Advanced Architecture Design Studio, American University of Beirut, Architecture Department, Spring 2000.
- Overlaps: The Interactive Edge (joint course leader), Advanced Architecture Design Studio, American University of Beirut, Architecture Department, Fall 2000.
- My Rights to My City international symposium & workshop (keynote speaker), Alexandria, Egypt, Oct 2000.
“MonoPolyPolis: Banknotes and Beirut”, English version.
- Thinking the City in the Post-Cartesian Paradigm (public lecture), American University of Beirut, Architecture Department, April 2000.
- URBAN DESIGN International, Vol. 3 No. 3 Sept 1998, Routledge, UK.
“Quantum Environments: Thesis conclusions”
- Resource for Urban Design Information (RUDI), Sept 1998,
“Quantum Environments”
- Quantum Environments: Urban Design in the Post-Cartesian Paradigm (MA Thesis), JCUD – Oxford Brookes University, Sept 1998. Received Distinction and highest grade ever awarded at Oxford Brookes, became basis for book Quantum City.
- Interactive Morphologies: Landscape as a Catalyst for Urban Regeneration & Development (Diploma Thesis, co-author), OBU, March 1998.
- Past.Souks.Future (B.Arch Thesis, co-author), American University of Beirut, March 1994.