I’ve discovered after googling Dr. Farid Younes, a great essay titled “The 21st Century Paradigm“:
In fact, in the history of science development, there are three paradigmatic changes, in spite of debates about their names and dates of emergence:
- The Pre-Modern with Vitalism;
- The Modern with Mechanism (the Classic);
- The Post-Modern with Relativism and/or Systemism (Levy, 1989).
You might recognise in there some of my own pet themes, in particular the parallel between architectural/urban theories and philosophy/knowledge:
In other words, the worldview, once expressed as part of a collectively understood metaphor (or paradigm), becomes the interface between belief and city form.
We can see three broad paradigms containing our worldviews and cities in history: Age I: the Organic paradigm, Age II: the Mechanical paradigm, and Age III, what I call the Quantum paradigm.
I particularly appreciate his stance that these paradigmatic changes are relevant “in spite of debates about their names and dates”. I believe the general shared paradigm we live in is independent from the self-conscious name we give it anyway. It’s no surprise that Nanominded‘s Halim Madi, another proponent of our current or “new” paradigm is presenting at TEDxBeirut as well.
I look forward to hearing/meeting them both at TEDxBeirut on September 24th 2011. When videos of their talks will be available I shall add it here.